Monday 28 June 2021 - HiPortfolio v21 has been released. The new version reflects our commitment to the product as this version contains some significant changes to meet market and client driven changes and requirements.
The ongoing investment in HiPortfolio brings about the regular release of new capabilities and presents a compelling upgrade business case. Version 21 supports changes being introduced by the market, core fund accounting operations, improved user security and delivers technological enhancements for better performance, integration and automation.
The full v21.0 Release Notes are available and include enhancements with a Business and Technological focus. This release includes:
The new version includes a new HTTP/HTTPS Rest integration service providing access to a broad range of HiPortfolio capabilities. The new service, called the HiPortfolio Gateway, provides a modern simpler, standards based, secure method of interfacing with the breadth and depth of HiPortfolio’s data and processes